REUNION: What does this mean?
I am so looking forward to our Kindy reunion on Saturday 12 of September, 2015. The reunion seed was sown at the end of last year when I celebrated my 20 year anniversary at BHCK and paused to reflect on the combined years of service of our staff members. Do you know that it comes to a total of 125 years? Imagine what that would be translated to minutes! Convert that to the 80 families who have been with us each of those 20 years and you get 1,600 children. Oh my goodness I hope they don't ALL turn up. Personally, I feel honoured and privileged to have touched the lives of so many children and I know that the rest of the staff share my sentiments.
This all serves to underline the importance of early childhood education. The early years are so fundamental in the development of the child yet we are so often overlooked and misunderstood. I think what people fail to understand is that the learning that happens at Kindy is often unseen and as a result we are labelled with the "babysitter" tag. This is so far from reality but it is also difficult to explain the difference. Be sure and share everything that your child gains from our Kindy with everyone you know and encourage them to be part of a community based organisation like ours. Strike a blow for quality education!
So my message in this blog is simple. SPREAD THE WORD!! We would love to see as many old friends as possible.
"Like the branches of a tree, our lives may grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one" - Anon.
Yours in education,